Sunday 18 May 2014

Democracy in the UK is in Extreme Danger

The UK elections for the EU sand the local elections will soon be upon us. And I am alarmed how far we have sleep-walked into the destruction of the nation state in Europe. I was once a lifelong tory as I said in my previous post, but I finally awoke to the huge con being perpetrated against the british people by the old establishment. Slowly, the UK is being dismantled. It is shocking enough to realise this is happening thanks to the European Union.

Even more shocking, the old UK political parties are hand in glove with the EU. None of the two and a half main parties wants us, the Brisih people to have ANY say in how our country is run. They are now embarked on a programme of lies and deception to avoid us realising the truth. Labour are not interested in a referendum on our membership of the EU. The LibDems are proud of their standpoint that we should rush ever deeper into the EU. For them, the ultimate goal is a full signup to a "United States of Europe", something that would be more akin to the EUSSR.

Considering their past, the Conservatives are even more sinister in their views and actions, at least the LibDems are open about it; the Tories would offer us a referendum, but only if we allow them to blackmail us in to voting for them in 2015 first! Further, what they do not emphasise is that even if we did vote for them, we would not be able to have our say in a referendum, until they had at least two years to indoctrinate us into loving the EU, for which they would be actively campaigning for us to stay in.

So where is the balance?

 Until recently, there has been no balance. The main parties have been busily selling us down the river in exchange for nice, lucrative jobs for themselves and their families in the EU. What has happened to the principles politicians of decades ago? The ones that, whether we agreed with them or not, we knew occupied an honourable position, true to themselves and their supporters? It is as though, like in some frightening Sci-Fi film, our politicians have been taken over by some surreal body-snatchers-style plot; all the old parties have deserted their traditional core supporters. The Conservatives, once proud of their patriotism; their respect for the hard working people, for law and order, defence of the realm and their general desire for fair play, have abandoned the middle classes in their thirst for more doses of the EU, whilst pretending at home to be fighting Britain's corner. Gentle prodding of their thin veneer reveals a very different picture!

Labour too have followed the EU, politically correct, Multi-Culty vision of open borders, ever closer Union with the EU and an insatiable thirst for more of the same. This too is very sureal! Labour was once the proud leader of the working class, battling with the business barons to ensure, as they saw it, fair play for the under-dog. Now, "New" Labour despise their old supporters. As Gordon Brown showed in 2010. Labour now regard the working class as racists, xenophobes and bigots.

This apparent suicidal turning against its core voters had to be compensated for if Labour were not to disappear from the political landscape and so they embarked on a huge programme of mass, uncontrolled immigration; scouts were sent around the world to encourage as many people as possible to come to Britain for a promised better life. Not only did this achieve Labour's stated objective of "rubbing the Tories noses in diversity" but it has supplied Labour with a huge supply of grateful and loyal voters; voters who often feel no loyalty to the UK, but simply view it as their leg up in the world. And of course, they will vote ethusiastically for the party that made their change in fortune happen.

 Which brings us to the Liberal Democrats; an opportunist party that seeks power for its own sake, to satisfy an ancient hunger to bring the spoils of power to their table, at any cost. The LibDems have left a stream of broken promises in their wake, not least their betrayal of students over tuition fees. Like a group of political tarts, the LibDems will hook onto any party that will give them the power they crave and their ticket aboard the EU Gravy Train.

But at last, in true legendary style, a British hero as rode into in the smouldering embers of our once great and beautiful country. This white knight has joined battle and rallied the weary British people. Nigel Farage has galvanised public opinion and the establishment hate him for it. He and his party, UKIP, have upset the applecart of the so-called main parties, and how the "establishment" is fighting back; and they are fighting dirty! The gloves are off and no trick is too dirty, no lie too immoral. By hook or by crook, they intend to bring down this modern day St George before he gets his opportunity to slay the pro-EU dragon. Every weapon has been brought into play. Social media is awash with ant-UKIP warriors, many paid by the "establishment" and openly by the EU; intent on deflecting public opinion away from UKIP before their ideas get too deep a hold.

Individuals, often referred to as "lefties" by UKIP supporters, are engaged in endless battles of words with the growing "People's Army" of UKIP. Many of these so-called lefties are in fact anarchists, unable to conceal their glee at seeing the fabric of British society, traditions and institutions being laid waste by the hordes of Europhiles and EU Bureaucrats; these anti-British agents show a terrifying pleasure, like a toddler with a huge stick and a massive box of eggs, they demolish one symbol of Britishness after another. Anyone raising a word in protest, is subjected to a spray of obscene venom that would make beelzebub's hair curl.

But now, the British are awake! Taking up the call of Nigel Farage and UKIP, they are fighting back. The usual weapons utilised by the left and pro-EU fascists, screams of "racist!", "xenophobe!" and "bigot" are bouncing off UKIP. For decades these abusive, but false names have suppressed debate on everything the establisment and it's EU masters deems "inappropriate". But the flags of "political correctness" are now burning; and not before time.

The media, largely under the malevolent influence of "the Left" and the EU communists have tried their best (or should that be their worst?) to keep the march of the EU throughout Europe on track; to complete the rout of democracy from the once great nations of western Europe, whilst at the same time, hiding the facts from the people. But now the British people are seeing through this complex tissue of lies. Nigel Farage, UKIP and the People's army are doing battle with the now openly anti-British establishment. This "new" (it recently celebrated its twentieth birthday) People's Army is on the march. It is now without fear and confident in its non-racist identity and shields are no longer needed to deflect the insults and false accusations. 

The old order is now in a state of blind panic. The unlected leaders in the EU are now in a hurry to close the gates before Nigel Farage's troops storm through. Famously, the unelected Vice-President of the EU Commission, one Vivian Reding, has "announced" recently, "We must build a United States of Europe with the Commission as Government". The EU elite are in a state of confusion. The order has been sent out to discredit Nigel Farage and his followers. UKIP councillors are ridiculed for "odd" beliefs etc., (despite this not being a problem when the same councillors, said the same odd things when they were councillors for the Tory party!).

Whilst we are on the subject, there is none so strange as the Labour councillor who claims he has fathered a child by an extra-terrestrial and that his mother is a nine foot green alien with eight fingers! Yet the media focus steadfastly only on the UKIP stories.

In a minor interview with an radio "presenter", an openly left-wing person, unable to hold a balanced interview if his life depended on it, Nigel Farage was subjected to a personal attack, that should have made the stations bosses very annoyed, to put it mildly; strangely, despite the overwhelmingly negative comments toward this presenter, nothing has been done. A newspaper, once carrying pictures of Romanians immigrants in a negative light, now attack Nigel Farage for doing far less! It seems the body-snatchers are spreading.

A TV News presenter oozed her support on Twitter, for the the Farage attacker, saying how she "absolutely LOVED" his "interview" and asked him to join her for more Farage-bashing!

Fortunately, the people are not believing the lies, indeed, they are becoming incensed by them and they will fight back through the ballot box. It is only now, with the vicious attacks against UKIP out in the open, that people realise that the removal of our democracy is almost complete. Only a vote for UKIP can reverse the destruction of our country, as a sovereign nation state.

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